DIY Granular-Synth

This project was part of my Bachelor-studies at Institute for Music and Media @ Robert-Schumann-Hochschule Düsseldorf.
It was submitted on June 17th of 2022.

Combining the principles of plate-reverbs and recent experiences with piezoelectric sensors, I came up with the idea to build a reverb-machine from some kind of stringed instrument.

One idea followed the next and the project grew pretty big. It is still ongoing with a long todo-list, but I want to present a functioning prototype to start out this documentation nonetheless.
Here’s a short demo:

At current time, there are basically two devices:

  1. : A Zither, that was prepared with speakers and piezoelectric sensors.
    It serves as a makeshift reverb-device, aswell as an input source for the actual synth.
  2. : A granular synth, programmed in SuperCollider and running on a BeagleBone Black, equipped with a Bela-Cape.
    It takes audio input and stores it in a buffer on the press of a button.
    The recorded audio is then rearranged in adjustable patterns, rates and various other parameters.

Here’s a short list of it’s current features:

  • stereo i/o
  • presets
  • MIDI-input
  • three assignable faders with value-pickup
  • rotary encoder for menu selection
  • trigger button

Once I have solved some of it’s current problems, I will upload a better demo video, aswell as a detailed build-documentation to GitHub. As of now, there’s only source Code to be found there.


Zither after cleaning & before prepping.

Inside the Zither after prepping.

The face or UI of the synth.

The inside of the Synth, showing the wiring. I know this is a crude job, but remember this is just a prototype.

Side-view of the Synth, showing the connections.

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