
Generative 4-channel installation,
preseted @ Art Artist Düsseldorf from March 31. until April 02. 2023

Lennart Posch & David Hanraths - Conception
David Hanraths - Production
Sponsch - Live-performance

This album documents an experiment in combining a controllable generative installation with live performances.

The output of two DIY EMF-sensors was filtered through several controllable FFT filters and played from four speakers, that were aligned in a diamond-like shape.

The installation was meant as a playable instrument. Artists would perform with it and inside it, by using the EMF-sensors and by adding their own musical setup. Resulting audio is then fed into a loop, that echoes within the ongoing installation.


Check out this custom serial controller on GitHub that i build, in order to manually control this installation.

A glimpse of the room, where this experiment was conducted. People depicted here are 1/2 of Sponsch and yours truly.

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